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Survey on Enterprise blog, wiki, and RSS use

Thank you for taking part in our short informal reader survey.

See related commentary under our Enterprise blog and wiki category on our blog.

91 respondents - mid 2005:

enterprise use of blogs, wikis, rss

Enterprise applications usin blogs, wikis, or rss

Enterprise rss use

Enterprise IT support for blogs, wikis, or rss

size of companies using blogs, wikis and rss

Other comments:

"Sounds interesting, but it will need to be driven from a user need and not IT."

"We are a small business-oriented web development company, & are actively promoting blog & wiki to our clients for their sites as well."

"It's just beginning to take off here, though some of us have been blogging for years. I don't think many people really understand what blogs are - yet."

"We have just barely begun and not sure where it will lead us."

"We would like to know more about it...."

"Major applications of blogs are: 1. Coordinating training activities 2. Project management of instructional design projects 3. Promotion of ebusiness developments 4. Presentation of creative solutions to clients (vblogging)."

"I love mu wiki but I would love it more if I could do more with it"

"We are looking growing what started as a way to collect internal enginering discussions into a system to maintain and drive discussions for feature request reviews and possibly customer input."

"Voting Blogs will allow best ideas to move forward."

"Early days yet, but just about everyone I talk with about these tools are enthusiastic supporters. They meet real needs, very flexibly."

"I'm at the University of California, Berkeley and blogs/wikis are an experimental part of many courses in my department. We use them mostly as a framework on which students comment on assigned readings or topics from the course; we still have some bugs to work out there but they seem vastly more effective than list serves for those purposes."

"We have been using our own Traction enterprise weblog technology since 1997. Our model always acknowledged the need to create a page and make links between page, as well as the need to determine who can read, create, edit, etc. on a workspace by workspace basis. So the weblog/wiki distinction doesn't really come to play."

"I am particularly interested in these applications in the Open Source Arena."

"I found it easier to convince staff of the usefulness of a wiki (for collaborative editing) than a blog."

"My IT staff doesn't bother with new ideas."

"Want to use it, but don't know how to impliment it."

"As interesting as this survey is, combining 'blogs, wikis, and RSS' into the same question is lumping too many categories together to give meaningful information back."

"We started a blog pilot in January for our e-business group. We've now expanded that company-wide for a corporate communications project that has a national team and 10 sub teams. We expect this pilot to continue over the summer. We use Movable Type and NewsGator. Cheers .. Kate"

"Product support" (We assume this is what they are using it for.)

"Great, easy to use communications tools."

"Let's just say well, well, well under $25 million."

"The biggest concern is controlling who has access to the information contained in these Wiki/Blogs, but at the same time make it easy for people to contribute and not have the burden of registration. Perhaps a check by IP address or heavy moderation could solve this issue".

"I am figuring out a strategy to get this organization to see the light and recognize the massive amount of waste and inefficiency that could be eliminated with a smart implementation of blog and/or wiki technology."

"While most of us love what a wiki has done for our ability to collaborate, the overall flexibility of wikis is still not strong enough to easily support all users. We are hoping that things will evolve further, in the meantime, with open source licensing, we do have the capability to add some of the features we need."

"in Italy there is a LOT of work in this area ;-)"

"While the technology itself is a low cost of entry, the Corp policies managing how tightly/loosely a company manages the content (and what the ramifications are for posting content deemed unacceptable by the company) are slowing larger companies from diving into the blog/wiki world."


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